15 Aug Is it a Black Swan Event or just great management?
In the Upper Swan region, east of Perth – WA, Thompson and Redwood (T&R) keep producing amazing results. These results relate to their business as well as the data from their Integrated Health, Wellbeing and Performance Program.
T&R produces quality stock feed. The Program is about mitigating human risk in the workplace and getting employees to be and perform at their optimum.
Over the last 18 months Optimum has been working with T&R and their employees. The individual risk profiles and the level of improvement are standouts. The aggregated data from T&R, when compared to the data we have on Aussie workers within our data base, highlight even more the significant changes T&R have been made over 18 months.
The Program at T&R has benchmarked and tracked employees with quarterly check points and delivered a range of support services, messages, tips and action plans.
These same Program elements have been used repeatedly by Optimum with other companies. We know our Program induces significant changes in heart and head health as well as save the company money. Elicited responses from employees’ site their ability to work more efficiently, improve their habits and generally feel better in themselves over the time of the Program.
The work that all at T&R have done has taken the Program outcomes to a whole new level. The group continues to break new and exciting ground in this area of risk mitigation at work. Why has the T&R data taken on such a wonderful and unique profile?
The success of the Program is driven by T&R’s MD – Stephen Lamond and his leadership team. Stephen was instrumental in implementing the Program and continues to overtly support the employees as they face a variety of challenges.
The management and leadership style at T&R is profoundly different to other groups who have participated in our Programs. This unique style has an enormous impact on the employees at T&R, ensuring near perfect compliance to the Program and achieving significant and game changing outcomes. T&R leadership and management overtly support their employees. In return, the employees have worked consistently to reduce their risk profiles. It is the classic win: win situation that all business owners seek.
The unique interaction between management, leadership and employees must be the magic ingredient to success. T&R celebrate progress with their employees. They constantly share the data associated with employees. They identify the challenges that remain. They boost resilience across the group as they emphasis gains, focus on growth and keep looking at what is needed to motivate the employees. It is a great mix that returns wonderful results and lowers overall risk.
T&R now have 71% employees in the low-risk zones for Heart Health. This compares to 34% of Aussie workers within our data base. Only 10% of T&R employees are in the high-risk zones for Heart Health, compared to the 31% of Aussie workers within our data base.
T&R now have 95% of employees in the low-risk zones for Head Health with only 5% at high risk. There are 14% of Aussie workers within our data base at high risk.
In addition, 74% of T&R employees report they are working more efficiently because of the Program – compared to 54% of Aussie workers in our data base.
Congratulations T&R, with your unique leadership and management style you have created a wonderful environment for your employees and us at Optimum to deliver the Program. You have also illustrated how the results normally attributed to the Aussie worker – can be taken to a whole new level. Sure, there is always work to do to mitigate human risks in the workplace but the start you have given your employees and the way you have positioned the company is ground-breaking.
If you would enjoy hearing more about this wonderful case study then contact us at Optimum via admin@optimumhms.com.au OR contact Stephen Lamond at T&R via stephen@thompsonandredwood.com.au.