Office Solutions IT…their story so far

Office Solutions IT (OSIT) is a Perth based IT company. Their business is expanding through Melbourne, Sydney and the Philippines. Staff numbers are increasing, as is the workload and expectations to perform in a competitive market. The nature of their business is dealing with customers who have IT issues and need instant resolutions. It is a high stress environment. 

James Sutton (MD) wanted to offer something to his team to support them and the business. Working with a provider like Optimum is unchartered waters for OSIT. It was decided that we trial the Integrated Health, Wellbeing and Performance Program system, with 30 volunteers and see if this could be the first small step towards creating something special for the entire OSIT team. 

OSIT has now completed the first phase of the Trial. The initial data collection process is completed. The aggregated data will now allow OSIT to commence the process of better understanding their team and identify where potential risks may be within their business. 

Understanding employees better and having clarity around the risks that they may be facing were two of the objectives of the Trial. 

Over the next six months the Program will support all members of the Trial group. This support includes personal contact, email support messages, tips and action steps to consider as each member aims to manage their individual risk profile and ultimately that of the company.  

James Sutton (MD) indicated that this type of initiative has not been considered before at OSIT. However, if the initial feedback from those who volunteered for the Trial is a guide as to the acceptance of such an initiative, then OSIT should be pleased with their decision to engage Optimum and conduct the Trial. 

Overtly supporting the team at OSIT, within the high stress environment of technology is one great risk mitigation strategy. Putting the Trial in place demonstrates to each team member at OSIT that they are important and OSIT want to support them as the business grows.  

The nature of the Trial Program allows everyone to review their own risk profiles across heart and head health. It provides each person with a personalised system of management unique to their situation.  The aggregated data collected at month one and then again at month six will also offer OSIT an insight into their team and their risks in the workplace. 

Over the Trial we will be working with OSIT Management to identify how best to cope with a changing working world. We will be looking at how best to collaborate when reviewing the data. We will be providing facts and real time data to help navigate the processes to mitigate risks in the workplace. And fundamentally we want to work with OSIT to ensure that the working conditions are such that employees thrive rather than just avoid burnout. 

There will be more to this story over the next six months and more. We look forward to seeing what emerges from the work we are embarking on with OSIT. 

If there are aspects of this story that appeals to you and you would enjoy introducing something similar to your employees then please contact Optimum at

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