21 Nov We can help
Today we are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work, connect and interact.
As employers, you are currently preparing for the workforce of the future while still dealing with post pandemic disruption, unprecedented risks and an unsatisfied labour market.
We accept that the pace of change continues to accelerate. Competition for top talent is fierce. This means that many employers are looking for new ways to attract and retain their employees – who in today’s world, want more than massages, table tennis and free morning tea.
So, what is the next step in the employee experience? What do employees want? And how can organisations attract, retain and motivate the people they need?
Our research into workforces began in 2019 and covered several major industries. Currently we have over 200,000 data points on a raft of health, wellbeing and performance elements in Australian workforces. This extensive and unique data base highlights employees’ risk profiles – how they have changed over time and how these changes have impacted on employers to rethink and reshape their employee value proposition. Our data base also offers clarity as to the actions employers must take to accommodate these changes and highlights the evolving expectations of employees.
Our experience and the quality of our data base allows us to speak with some authority. The longitudinal nature of the data presents an insight into the impact of a well-structured, integrated, personalised program that fundamentally attempts to mitigate risks in the workplace. The style of program we deliver contains a flexible range of services and education methods to support each person based on a well-researched, structured approach.
The primary findings that relate to the mitigation of risks and the economic impact of the changes are presented on our web site and within many papers we have published. What has not been readily presented are the secondary and probably more impacting findings expressed by those individuals who have spent at least 12 months in the various programs.
Some of these findings from employees are presented below.
- 54% indicated their quality of work was better
- 67% felt better in themselves
- 68% reported their health and wellbeing was better
- 58% felt they were displaying a better set of behaviours
They also told us their reaction to their company offering such a program.
- 100% supported their company delivering such a program
- 97% would recommend such a program to their colleagues
If you are interested in getting this level of impact in your workplace then please let us work together to achieve these wonderful results.