18 Dec Optimum on the World Stage
I was honoured to join this august group at the 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work. Our session was titled: Bridging the generational divide: tailored OSH strategies for an inclusive workforce. Exploring the intergenerational differences across workforces allowed us to discuss our findings from our extensive data base. The last 5 years has seen our data highlight the significant differences across the age groupings and gender in terms of risk and health profiles. The one size fits all approach to mitigating risk in the workforce no longer is a valid approach. The variations across the workforce are too great to accommodate all specific risks and needs as there are currently five generations of workers in the workforce today.
We could also outline the changes we have recorded across workforces due to our interventions and educational materials. Stress levels have decreased. Lives have been saved. Depression and anxiety levels have been reduced. There have been improvements in sleep profiles and heart health. Employees reported that their quality of work has improved as well as their overall feeling of health and wellbeing.
In addition, we could report to the Congress some of the commercial benefits associated with our Programs. Such things as a four-fold return on investment, significant savings just using one metric and the ability to impact on Workers Compensation for the business.
We could also point delegates to our short video that looks at the impact Optimum has had and how we have gone about creating this impact. Video below: